Dec 24 #The12ColoursOfDecember #CandyCane (mix of red and white)
This is a fantasy book off my Kindle TBR again. Very pretty cover :)
#MerryReaders #WinterGames2020
11 points
Dec 24 #The12ColoursOfDecember #CandyCane (mix of red and white)
This is a fantasy book off my Kindle TBR again. Very pretty cover :)
#MerryReaders #WinterGames2020
11 points
This is an old picture but, in my defense, it is February.
I loved this book. Thorough worldbuilding seamlessly blended with narrative! Characters with uncomfortably relatable emotional problems! People who communicate instead of having contrived misunderstandings! Also it made me laugh a lot. This is exactly the kind of story I hope to write and want to read, and I can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy (but I must, due to my TBR policies).
I've developed this terrible habit of reading an ebook and a print book at the same time because ebooks are easier to take behind the counter at work.
Slightly weird that the description of this book makes Alizhan's inability to differentiate faces sound like part of her magical ability, instead of just face blindness which is like, a real thing some people have. But that is not the book's fault and I'm enjoying it so far!