I love a good fairytale re-telling and this author delivers with her own spin and steampunk elements. I honestly think that one of the reasons I‘m drawn to her writing. I love steampunk. A very quick read and enjoyable. #springreading
I love a good fairytale re-telling and this author delivers with her own spin and steampunk elements. I honestly think that one of the reasons I‘m drawn to her writing. I love steampunk. A very quick read and enjoyable. #springreading
‘In this tale as old as time, Isabelle Hawking must tinker a solution to a heartbreaking mystery.‘
Late review. This was my first #BeautyAndTheBeast pick for #FairytaleReadingChallenge. I really enjoyed this retelling. Isabelle is shipwrecked on a seemingly deserted island where she finds a crumbling castle and its cursed inhabitants.
Day 1 #FabulousFebruary #Readathon
I had a slow reading day yesterday. Finished nine chapters of Beauty and Beastly.
I'm such a mood reader, this wasn't on my September TBR😂
It was a pretty cool retelling, it had such a cool steampunk feel to it, and still had the cute and magical elements of the original beauty and the beast story. It was a bit slow and repetitive to begin with, but then the pace suddenly picked up and more started happening. It was a short book, but definitely worth it for a book to read in one sitting.
This story truly had the steampunk elements that it claims, it was so lovely! Isabelle was a unique character who truly grabbed my interest. She was a creator and her creations were beautiful but she was always looking to create something grander. I liked that she had substance, was ambitious, and had something to attract the Beast to her other than her beauty and sarcasm. Full review at www.thegenreminx.com #bookreviewer #TheGenreMinxBookReviews