I picked this book up as companion piece to Rachel Maddow‘s latest podcast, “Ultra”. It worked very well in this capacity. It was an interesting read.
I picked this book up as companion piece to Rachel Maddow‘s latest podcast, “Ultra”. It worked very well in this capacity. It was an interesting read.
This extraordinary documentary is playing now on CNN and can be streamed through PBS anytime. A must watch, especially for those interested in historical accuracy. It‘s vital to keep the holocaust alive with holocaust deniers out there in the world. The accompanying book was eye opening when I read it ages ago. #USandtheholocaust #KenBurns
#remember #nonfiction
“...In an era in which Americans have once again seen swastikas carried alongside American flags in Charlottesville, Virginia, and other communities, the lessons learned from the first defeat of Hitler‘s American friends should once again be remembered.”
#bfcr3 #teamfitlit #checkin
Walked two miles early this morning.Slowed down my pace. Felt so good to be back walking after almost a week!
Goals: did not meet my 6 miles but thats ok; I have been 😃sick.
Books: read more than usual: one audiobook, 4 books, finished a fifth. All that reading is because I was sick & at home.That‘s positive!
Hydration( added this week). Trying, more conscious of not just having a water bottle but drinking it!!!😃
#gift #bestsonever #nonfiction #history
Look what came in the mail today from my son while I am recovering from stomach problems. He shares his parents love of history.