Working on this until the top of the hour #24hourreadathon #deweysreadathon #deweys24hourreadathon #readathon
Working on this until the top of the hour #24hourreadathon #deweysreadathon #deweys24hourreadathon #readathon
Only Churchill would think a house fire would be fun (he apparently commandeered a fireman‘s helmet and directed operations; he also managed to save marble busts but didn‘t manage to save the priceless Elizabethan manuscripts; fire occurred in 1908).
While there are issues with Churchill‘s beliefs, he was a progressive in terms of his attitude towards the Jewish population in Great Britain, especially among the upper class, of which he was a member of (he‘s distantly related to Diana, Princess of Wales). A philoSemite is someone who has an interest in Jewish culture but isn‘t Jewish.
Like President Biden, Churchill had a speech impediment, as did King George VI (Queen Elizabeth II‘s father)
Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was born in a small ground-floor room, the nearest bedroom to the main entrance of Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, at 1.30 a.m. on Monday, 30 November 1874. #firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl
⬆️ Didn‘t realize it took the Brits that long to pay off the Lend-Lease deal, at least their portion. No wonder the “special relationship” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend-Lease
If you watched the season 2 finale of The Crown, you‘ll recognize that name (it was a scandal that brought down British PM Harold Macmillan and had Prince Philip [Queen Elizabeth II‘s husband] involved as well).
Sage advice for 45.
I read about 3 hours and 40 minutes for 75 bloody pages out of the book. I‘m done reading for the day. Besides it‘s about 11:30 pm.
End of a very quotable chapter. Even if I disagree with a policies that a politician has, if they have shown to fight for what they believe in, I will tend to vote for them, most times, unless they are clearly amoral or racist, then no thanks.
While some of the quote is outdated, a lot of it is still very relevant.
Cultured people are merely the glittering scum which floats upon the deep river of production.
1) I am less than 200 pages from Part 2; I‘ve read 323 pages and Pt. 2 starts on pg. 515
2)Hanging out on Saturday; working on Sunday and Monday (time and a half on Monday)
3) Whatever strikes my fancy
4) Used to play piano and clarinet; haven‘t played for 25 years
#friyayintro @howjessreads
My #reading for today. I figure if I do about an hour of each I‘ll be satisfied.
This article was written in September 1924. The man was perceptive if anything.
A true leader acknowledges when they screw up and learns from it. Something I doubt 45 knows to do.
Working on this still #bookloversday #fridayreads #summerreads
“Having met the Kaiser....was another version of the petulant Emperor.” I am starting to get the impression that Churchill was very astute in his impression of Hitler in the mid- to late 1930‘s.
He was a rare bird in his class that he wasn‘t anti-Semitic.
I suppose there was a side benefit... Every time Churchill is quoted, I can hear John Lithgow‘s voice.
I feel sad for him, but then he likely spent little time with his own children as well.
I‘ve started it. He was quite the troublemaker as a kid.