My cat forever walks around with his tail up with a slight hook. Good to know he‘s content and happy with us all of the time. 😻
My cat forever walks around with his tail up with a slight hook. Good to know he‘s content and happy with us all of the time. 😻
Not so much of a secret anymore. 😹 Still reading my other book, but just picked this one up randomly and read a huge chunk of it. It‘s so interesting, if you‘re a cat person. And then of course I couldn‘t pass up a photo op with the book and my cat! FYI, Cooper would like the record to state that he was in fact yawning and not yowling like a mad cat. 😻 #damnfinecooper #catsoflitsy
This is the reason I haven't got much reading done this weekend! I am cat-sitting for my BF's aunt and uncle. Mars is a very sweet boy 😻
When I wake up to this mess next to my bed on my nightstand, I know my older cat is feeling better. Thanks, asshole. 😹
Max🐱says that all of his #catsoflitsy friends 😽should tell their humans to read this book so they can understand every mew, trill, meow, yowl, etc.. He says that although his mom is pretty good about listening to him & getting him what he needs, humans can always do better. We give this book 4/5 paws 😻😻😻😻for the blend of (sometimes a tad dry) science & the author's passion for understanding her own 5 cats. Link to review & salmon recipe👇🏻
Today's lunch & #soupersundays blog post is Chickpea Rice Soup, my vegan version of chicken & rice soup with James Beard's "Onion Rings" -little sandwiches made with sweet onion & (vegan) mayo. ??Here with my current read for a book tour review for later in the week. I believe I understand most of Max's ?vocalizing (of which he does plenty) ?but it never hurts to learn more.
Link to recipes is below.??