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Sir Gawain & the Green Knight
Sir Gawain & the Green Knight | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Eric Valentine Gordon
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Sir Gawain & the Green Knight | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Eric Valentine Gordon
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien

So, l have started... And I'm already falling behind 😅
Sorry, but today l thought, 'I'll read only a few pages of the Silmarillion first.'

Only read the intro, but I'm quite intrigued by this story. And by the story of its author.

@Daisey I suspect l have a different edition than yours. I only have one intro and after the actual story, l have one Tolkien's lecture on il 🤔

BethM I have one intro but it does have sub parts that line up with the schedule. 2w
Daisey I‘m not sure how each edition is set up, but basically, find any explanatory information about each poem to read before reading the poem itself. Mine has some at the beginning and some at the end as well that I didn‘t find until after I read all the poems the first time. 2w
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TheAromaofBooks I am not usually a poetry person, so I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying this. I absolutely love the rhythm of this alliterative style! 2w
JazzFeathers @BethM I can't really reconcile the schedule with what l have, but l suppose l can follow along the text and organise what l have around it 😁 2w
JazzFeathers @Daisey I tried to do that, but then l realised Tolkien's lecture references the text quite a lot, so l decide to read that afterward ☺️ 2w
JazzFeathers @TheAromaofBooks You made me smile. That's exactly what l thought when we first read The Lays if Beleriand 😜 2w
Daisey Also . . . I thought this was a pretty easy schedule, but teaching new classes this year has me overwhelmed. I may only be reading and posting on the weekends. 2w
BethM @Daisey I concur. I‘m struggling already lol 2w
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