Various shades of #pinkcovers (on my pink kitchen floor) - I've not yet read the bottom two and there's no excuse because they've been on my bookshelf for a while. Has anyone got a pep talk for either of them?
Various shades of #pinkcovers (on my pink kitchen floor) - I've not yet read the bottom two and there's no excuse because they've been on my bookshelf for a while. Has anyone got a pep talk for either of them?
Happened upon a book sale bin on the sidewalk outside my favourite bookstore - wasn't planning on even stopping (so many books already) but I saw one book had been replaced carelessly, engulfing a smaller book, so of course I had to fix that, and the buried treasure was Lydia Millet! Had to take this baby home, because Mermaids in Paradise! Sweet Lamb of Heaven! ❤️