The convention center where my kidlet is taking his first state test of the year has a pretty good restaurant attached so grabbing a small bite with some good books while I wait for the next couple hours!
The convention center where my kidlet is taking his first state test of the year has a pretty good restaurant attached so grabbing a small bite with some good books while I wait for the next couple hours!
This was a pick, but just barely. I found the main character annoying, (mainly due to the social norms of the time) particularly early in the book. Enjoyed the mystery aspect. On the other hand, I did get through this one- I‘ve had a few bails this month 🤷♀️ Read this for #tbrtarot @CBee
Finished this book the other day. I‘ve had it on my TBR for a while, so glad that I finally read it. And a great first book in a series. The mystery was interesting and a bit different than all the other historical mystery series. Emily‘s a widow and didn‘t really know her husband before he died. She immediately has 2 love interests, gets new hobbies and solves mysteries.
Oh no, Emily, you are walking yourself open-eyed into so many problems here... 😰
Preeeetty mad at Colin for his reaction to Emily's confidences in him a few chapters ago, though. I sense that he's her intended love interest, but he isn't showing himself well up to now.
This is proving fun so far -- I accidentally read 50 pages already, at least! I like the idea of Emily falling in love with her husband after his death... it's a funny way to look at things, but it works here.
#20series20days Day 16
Lady Emily
A young, unconventional, Victorian widow takes control of her own life (studying Greek *gasp*, drinking port *double gasp*) while solving mysteries and finding new love.
#Top20Series #20Series20Days #Day13
I‘m a couple books behind on this series, and I‘m not sure why. I really enjoy Lady Emily, and it‘s not just because she also likes port. These are good mysteries with interesting plot twists and clever dialogue. I find Victorian England a fascinating setting.
In the midst of mourning for a husband she barely knew, Lady Emily begins to get to know—and love—him, but also to question his activities more and more. She proves a likable heroine as she thwarts her overbearing mother‘s expectations, embraces the freedom of widowhood, and uncovers the truth behind worrisome forgeries.
+2 for a mystery
#TeamSlaughter #Scarathlon
Historical fiction with a mystery about art... really enjoyed this and our main character Emily. She is a widow who loves to read and determines to figure out the mystery of an art forger/burglar and what her deceased husband was actually up to...
Pretty much exactly what one would expect: a quick read, and pretty predictable on a lot of levels, but charming. I‘ll be picking up the other books in the series. #andonlytodeceive #tashaalexander
This has been on my Goodreads TBR since 2016. I figured it was probably time to check it off! #andonlytodeceive #tashaalexander #ladyemily
So busy over the holiday weekend that I‘m actually glad to be back to work! I DID at least manage to read this little gem in the down time.
I‘m officially hooked on the Lady Emily series! While I found our heroine a little too quick to believe the worst of our hero and couldn‘t quite understand his unwavering devotion in return, the story definitely pulled me in. The writing was excellent and I enjoyed the first-person narrative. More please!
I love finding new authors and new series! A friend recommended Lady Emily, and I'm finally getting around to the first one. Lots of fun, interesting mystery, and good romance, and I'm looking forward to the next ones.
I seriously disliked the main character of this book. She annoyed me and was too ditzy. The author explains this at the end as not wanting to make her a modern character in a historical novel. But really? Like women were out solving murders in the 1800s anyway. By making her fit the time period she caused her main character not to fit in the novel itself. Sadly, wont be continuing this series
So PLEASE tell me someone understands the pain I am in because my family does not. Left last night to go on a quiet beach vacation in Maine. I had a big stack of books from the library that I was saving up for my trip. They were all in my carry on so that they wouldn't add to the weight to my suitcase. WELLLL my carry on got left at home. So I have only this book with me. Even my kindle was in the carry on. 😰 Quiet cove in Maine-books=sad me
Gotta love a lazy Sunday in your home library....❤📚
I give this one a pass, but I did have some issues with it. First, it was slow going for awhile, really until about 1/2 through. Second, at times I simply wanted to (how do I say this delicately?!) strangle the heroine. She did begin redeeming herself toward the end of the book, but I found her way too self-absorbed til then. Will try #2. #romantsy #osrbc
Beginning another new series and new author to me. Set in Victorian England...right up my alley. Looking forward to diving in.
This was a ⭐️⭐️⭐️ read for me! I liked the characters and general plot okay, but I didn't like how easily the "sleuth" seemed to be misguided.
This was very good, although Lady Emily was a little slow to figure things out. But a really fun and enjoyable read. Or listen. Recommended!
We meet Emily not long after she has married and then been widowed by Philip, Viscount Ashton. Set in Victorian times, she is restricted during her mourning, but this gives her time to start finding herself, and to start learning more about her late husband. Emily also finds a mystery to do with classical artefacts. With a Kindle price of 84p, this is worth it - not so much for the mystery but for the woman exploring her changed place in society.
I have wanted to give this series a try for a long time, so when I saw it at the church yard sale this morning, I snapped this up. The Maid looks good, too. And to think I told myself I wouldn't buy any more books for a while. If it's for a good cause it doesn't count, right?