I got a new bookshelf😍
I got a new bookshelf😍
This beautiful edition of The Secret Garden was my last book purchase 😍
#bookworm #booknerd #bookish #aussiereaders #franceshodgsonburnett #thesecretgarden #minalima #beautifulcover #booksandflowers
What a day 😪 To recover, I am (of course) reading. I've been savoring my first time reading this, and I can already tell that this story is destined to become an old, familiar friend
I can think of no better way to honor your memory than by reading this story, Grandma. I will miss you 💛🌻💛
Look what arrived today😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩 I just love these editions! They are so pretty. I have never read the Secret garden before, so I‘m excited🥳