Sweet sweet urban fantasy with a big old dash of found family - inject it into my veins!
#12booksof2024 : September
The only downside to this is that it‘s a series that‘s still being written 😭
Sweet sweet urban fantasy with a big old dash of found family - inject it into my veins!
#12booksof2024 : September
The only downside to this is that it‘s a series that‘s still being written 😭
@thegirlwiththelibrarybag I'd have finished by now if it wasn't for sentences like "That's how it usually goes for Brand and I."
Gaaaaah!!! Pulls me out of the story every time.
But I'm getting there.
#WhereAreYouMonday @Cupcake12
I'm in upstate New York with JR Ward's #BlackDaggerBrotherhood book 10
On Nantucket with KD Edwards' The Last Sun
And on a space station above an abandoned planet. (should we stop meeting like this, @Ruthiella?😁)
I love urban fantasy and I really don‘t read enough of it anymore… I loved reading this but at the same time am quite devastated to know that I‘m going to have to wait for years and years while the rest of it is written.
This had such delightful interactions - a found family in its early days, really great action, some gut wrenching moments (the part where Rune relives his assault in particular) but also lots of humour and banter.
“I think people make themselves beautiful. I think everything on our outside is a line sketch, and whatever‘s on the inside blows those lines into three dimensions.“
“Fuck Geoffrey,” Brand said. “He‘s lucky I‘m not hiding outside the sanctum, making ghost sounds. What‘s happening now?” Hee hee hee I love Brand.
Side quest, does anyone else logically know that Geoffrey is pronounced the same as Jeffrey, but still read it in your head as GEE OFF REE?
I will admit that there were many instances of extreme discomfort while I read this book. And after finishing it, I know the next book has the potential of even more discomforting situations. Like I am incredibly tense right now. But it was an amazingly entertaining book and I am starting the next book now.
I am so deep in a reading slump that I am starting to feel ashamed. I need to get out of the slump! So here we go. I‘ll try to finish this one.
I read 45 books last month! Go me!
My faves:
The Last Sun
The Hanged Man
Across a Field of Starlight
This Poison Heart
Throne breakers
And rereading Heartstopper v1 & 2
I read a ton of good books and my mood reading is really working for me!
I‘ve been meaning to read this for a year or so since it first popped up on my radar. Cracked it open last night and I am SOLD. So far it‘s everything I missed about early urban fantasy noir, but queer. Feels like coming home.
Sometimes Saturdays are for new books, favorite mugs, and more snow than you ever wanted to see at this point in the spring
Go read this book right now. There were a couple bumps along the way but it was excellent nonetheless and particularly impressive for a debut novel.
Currently reading & loving it!!! Magic! Adventure! A power structure somehow based on the Major Arcana! And there is another one out there!
This is foster kitty Freyja‘s “sure you‘ve read all of these” look. I did read 3/4 and found them excellent, thank you very much judgmental reading buddy!
The Last Sun was a particular surprise: an urban fantasy featuring not only an m/m romance but also a really wonderful male-male friendship where they aren‘t afraid to tell each other things like “don‘t die because you mean a lot to me”. Yay for non-alpha males!