Gonna try to finish this one today for an upcoming book club. I'm liking it so far!
Gonna try to finish this one today for an upcoming book club. I'm liking it so far!
"Varas thought that if you wanted to end your life, there was no need to commit suicide. All you had to do was get yourself trapped someplace like Poso Wells."
""What‘s her voice like?" Benito asked. "Like crystal clear water dripping slowly through yards of blue velvet," Varas said."
"But what happens at the precise moment of giving birth? / What do we do / when it‘s more Monday than Friday / when our veins are more than a gallows?"
""The country is in a terrible state, but we‘re going to turn it around. 360 degrees." A barely audible question came from an unseen reporter: "You mean, you‘re going to turn us in a complete circle and we‘ll end up in the same place?" Vinueza ignored this. "We‘re at the edge of an abyss," he pronounced, "and we need to take a step forward." "Off the cliff?" the same reporter asked."
"Vinueza, meanwhile, was stuffed into a sea-blue suit at least one size too small for him. With his red hair the shade of horsemeat, he looked like a sausage produced by some fly-by-night butcher shop." ?âš°
"Ignore the guy, Varas. He‘s never had a girlfriend and he‘s spent all his time since med school with corpses. You should pity him, not get mad.†?
#BiblioMAYnia Day 24: Written by a #SouthAmericanAuthor, there is an undercurrent of subversion that seems to strike at the very heart of the disappearing women, the violence levelled against the female species, the pointlessness of politics that seemed determined to exploit and destroy the natural environment. While seemingly comical, there is rage here simmering and rising to the surface, if left unchecked. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-l7A
#GratefulReads Day 8: My #BookAndBeverage offering today is this novel from Ecuador and cortado from the coffeeshop immediately below the loft where I am staying here in Albuquerque. Their stirrer is an uncooked pasta strip - very organic.
#SelfImprovementSept Day 12: It is #GoodHabit to hand carry books with you when you are doing a massive international move, like moving to the other side of your continent, bringing literature from various parts of the world with you. These are the titles I hand carried with me from Singapore to Al Ain. More here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-kTV
This mysterious story is refreshingly original; filled with grit, fantasy, poetry and strong characters. Brace yourself...can't read just one page without getting caught on the swift current of this fantastic story ! Loved it!💕