I absolutely LOVE this NF-RA book Hurricane Watch. Not only is it informative but it is entertaining and engaging! Which is exactly what we are looking for. The more engaging, the more the students will retain the information. Some things I love about this book are the little ‘did you know?‘ notes on the sides, the pictures with descriptions of what is happening at that point of the hurricane, #UCFLAE3414SP21
Spearsall continued: the detailed information about when and where hurricanes mainly come, the difference between a watch and a warning, and what precautions to take! This book is amazing for us Floridian teachers especially, because we have multiple hurricanes every year. Reading this to your class will help them understand more of what is happening and why all of the time! https://www.melissa-stewart.com/books/earth/bk_hurricane_watch.html Here is a link 4y
Spearsall continued: to Melissa Stewart‘s personal website which includes behind the book, reviews, book glance, ages, and the series at a glance. UDL Principle 6.2 is used: Support planning and strategy and development, since this is NF informative. ESOL strategy: link lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge, is used here as well 🌪💨🌊🌫☔️⛈ 4y
DrSpalding With a litfluence of 214 already you are certainly using the app well!❤️📚 4y
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Spearsall @DrSpalding thank you! I love it 💛 4y
DrSpalding It‘s so cool! Some other educator found our # and said your (the class) posts are INCREDIBLE!🙌 4y
AlexRobinson You‘ve picked a PERFECT book for us here in Florida!! I‘m sure students growing up here are incredibly interested in hurricanes and this book seems like a informative yet very engaging book! I always love books that have the little “did you know?” Facts included as well! Thanks for sharing such a great book! 4y
PatriciaS This is a great resource for teaching science, weather, safety, and so much more extension and resources. Great review 👍 thanks 4y