This, after my husband scoffed at giving me any books for Xmas! ☺️ He knows my taste well. He of course is one of the beneficiaries of cookbooks & cookware.
Happy Festivities to all! Litsy friends are a gift each day of the year. 💕
This, after my husband scoffed at giving me any books for Xmas! ☺️ He knows my taste well. He of course is one of the beneficiaries of cookbooks & cookware.
Happy Festivities to all! Litsy friends are a gift each day of the year. 💕
Loved this cookbook! Healthy, easy recipes that taste great! I made the Tuna Nicoise Bowl (pictured) last week and loved it! #litsycooks
I love a good cookbook. This was a kindle deal yesterday. It looked too good to resist. So far it has some pretty yummy sounding recipes. I‘m going to give one a try tomorrow.
This book is getting returned today because I know 2 people who want to check it out of the library! Lol
You know a recipe book is good when your coworkers comment every day on how good/healthy your food looks and smells and demand recipes. I copied a bunch of the recipes at work yesterday and every coworker that walked by the book snapped a photo or two!
Yes! This banana bread bowl is like if a hug had a flavour!!!!
I used steel cut oats instead of brown rice and my toasted pecans from last night.
Good morning, Litsy!!!
Really enjoying this recipe book so far! I love "bowl" meals and being somewhat accidentally, primarily vegetarian it's quite useful. I also love recipe books that emphasize the idea of "use what you have on hand" and "make it your own"! Anyway, these pecans smells delish and the maple-sriracha sauce is extremely good! As was the tahini sauce recipe.
Thanks to NetGalley and Storey Publishing for this digital galley.
This is a beautiful cookbook, with great photos of prepared meals and gathered ingredients. There are incredible drawings of different grain plants. Great info on different whole grains and their prep. I made several meals (more than pictured here, all are on my Bookstagram) based on recipes and ideas in this book. I love cooking this way! #netgalley #cookbook #arc