I enjoyed this book about WW2 and the stories of people from all over the world. I liked that it had multiple perspectives, but did find it hard to keep track of all of the names at times. 4/5
I enjoyed this book about WW2 and the stories of people from all over the world. I liked that it had multiple perspectives, but did find it hard to keep track of all of the names at times. 4/5
#MagicalMay #Heaven
This is one of my favorite lesser-known WWII historical fiction novels centered around the fire bombing of Tokyo in March of 1945 (although it spans several decades). Beautiful & haunting & not an easy read but a good one.
An older one from my bookshelf
#ReadingResolutions #tragic
Books centered on the war are usually tragic and this one, set during WWII, focusing fire-bombing of Tokyo in 1945 and centered around Yoshi, a fifteen-year-old Japanese girl, is no exception.
This book and especially this quote/excerpt from it have stayed with me as I think it sums up the tragedy and some of the unanswered questions surrounding war.💔
For @Liberty 's #GIVEAWAYHISTORICAL This is one of my favorite WWII historical novels but not many people seem to know about it. At its center is the firebombing of Tokyo in 1945 and a group of both Japanese and American characters. Have tissues ready. 😰😥😭
Day22 #feistyfeb #allthefeels I could probably name books that gave me all the feels for days, but here are three, lesser-known books that had me at the level of ugly crying more than once--perhaps the highest praise I can give for feeling all the feels. 😭😭😭 I would happily recommend any of these for #recommendsday as well. Tagging the two untagged below. 😩😭😱😦😤😖😢