I enjoyed this military thriller about a former British spy infiltrating North Korea following cyberattacks by the Hermit Kingdom. It was a great introduction to John Milton, and the first in the series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thanks to @Andrew65 for the recommendation! Now to convince Nook to carry more of them— Number 12 was the only full-length novel on offer.
Andrew65 Great to hear you enjoyed it. If you register for the newsletter on Mark Dawson‘s website he sends links to download 1000 yards and tarantula, and 2 other books from his other series. I also took out a free 30 day trial for Kindle Unlimited which had some of his books available for free on there and then cancelled before the first subscription was due after 30 days. 7y
Andrew65 https://markjdawson.com 7y
ReadZenRites Thank you @Andrew65 I‘ll definitely check that out! 7y