I really liked this thriller! I picked it up on a whim, not realizing it was the 4th in a series, but now I have 3 books to binge read! Loved the Scotland setting and all the characters! (Also more #FakeFireplaceReading)
Pretending to read by a roaring fire, but alas, it's just a Netflix video. #FakeFireplaceReading
It's a gloomy day and I'm spending it at the hospital, where my sister-in-law's aunt is currently a patient. She has some kind of infection and has probably had another stroke. I'm hoping she recovers, but it's too soon to tell much. So for now, I'm just sitting vigil and doing some rainy day reading.
Me: Can't stand to watch boxing or UFC because the violence is too much.
Also Me: Picks up a book where a serial killer makes skin dolls out of his victims bodies.
This cover is terrifying... #thrillsandchills #riotgrams