I meant to share this a few weeks ago but I forgot. My husband set up #readingbuddies Gavin 🐧 and Droopy with a little light reading 😂 So glad we have the same goofy sense of humour! 😍#husbandsofLitsy
I meant to share this a few weeks ago but I forgot. My husband set up #readingbuddies Gavin 🐧 and Droopy with a little light reading 😂 So glad we have the same goofy sense of humour! 😍#husbandsofLitsy
I just picked up the tagged book today at the Symphony book sale! #TBR The rest of these I've read, except the Ibsen plays (I've only read A Doll's House) but it's been awhile. I saw A Glass Menagerie on the #stage back in high school. I should reread it. When I was young, I empathized with Laura but when I was older, it was Tom that I identified with. I wonder how I'd feel about the characters now? #TBRR #ReadingResolutions