Little behind on #LitsySummerCamp. This is a book about a walk from my TBR that I look forward to reading.
Little behind on #LitsySummerCamp. This is a book about a walk from my TBR that I look forward to reading.
Thanks for the tag @DarkMina
1. Tagged book
2. 👍
3. Mystery/Thrillers
Wanna Play? @BRB_ImReading @Tera0707 @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks
Author hikes across the then proposed Keystone XL. As a travel book it was good, written from the perspective of a liberal disillusioned by the environmental policy of former President Obama, and attempting to bring awareness while learning more about those directly affected. Personal fave musing was when he saw the Hobbit on Christmas and reflected to the effect of “where is their despair, where are their blisters and shin splints”.
I had read and enjoyed the authors first book “Walden on Wheels” so when I happened upon this book I was excited. I enjoyed reading this book as much as the other. I like learning about different things and seeing into other people‘s lives. This was a quirky glimpse into the author‘s life and his journey along the Keystone pipeline.
1. Tagged book. The author hikes the entire length of the proposed Keystone Oil Pipeline to see how the areas which might be impacted.
2. Twix and candy canes.
3. Xennial.
4. My Consew industrial sewing machine.
5. Be lazy. Read. Snuggle the cats. Maybe visit my folks.
#HumpDayPost @MinDea
Mixed review...I enjoyed the journey and not the author. He is arrogant and a little immature and doesn‘t deal with responsibility well. But I enjoyed the trip I also wish he described interactions with the people he met more.
Last year was a rough year for me. I didn‘t have a lot of time for two things that are vital for me and that is reading and running. This year will be better and I will read more and run a Hell a lot more #AbetterMe #survivalisinsufficient
Sitting in my truck in the snow waiting on my daughter to finish practice
Pretty good and entertaining!
Adventure memoirs always awaken a part of me that makes my family worry greatly.
While I enjoyed reading the book & felt I learned some new & interesting things, I waffled back & forth on liking the author. Occasionally it seemed like he thought he was better than the people he met along the walk. Other times he had me rolling with laughter at his fear of cows or his descriptions of the changes in his body. And I connected with his description of how the mind works when it is free to wander. It's the same for me when I run.
It's been a terrible week for me on the stupid injury front. Thinking it's better if I just stay inside watching the Olympics and reading about people doing cool things.
Now the Offutt AFB Airshow is back and I'm not ready to put down my book!
I was going to watch the Offutt AFB Airshow from my front porch, but the weather delayed it until after noon. Guess I'll finish my book instead!
This whole page pretty much describes what I do when I run. Think about what I did, what I should have done, what I really wanted to do, what I could have said to win the argument or otherwise appear confident/cool.
Sometimes I think this guy thinks he's the greatest person to walk the planet and then other times I think he's just messing with me. "...speed bags of death." ?
"To travel alone, I'd learned, isn't to rely on yourself. To travel alone is to force yourself to depend on others. It is to fall in love with mankind."
This guy is seriously afraid of cows.
Up next! The author decided to hike the entire proposed route of the Keystone XL pipeline and started in September of 2012. Should be an interesting read.