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Big Sexy Love
Big Sexy Love | Kirsty Greenwood
6 posts | 5 read | 7 to read
Olive Brewster is a scaredy cat. She doesn't do new or risky. She's happy enough with her job at the local market, it's cool that she has no boyfriend to fret over, she even likes that she still lives in her childhood home. No drama, no fuss, no problems. Everything is fine. Super duper fine. Except ... Olive's best friend in the world, Birdie, is dying. Birdie has one final wish. She wants to track down her first love, Chuck, and because she's stuck in the hospital she needs Olive's help to do it. But there's a teeny problem: Chuck is somewhere in New York and Olive has never even left her home town, let alone roamed the crazy streets of Manhattan. As if the big city isn't scary enough, Olive has to contend with Seth, a cocky comedy TV writer who thinks she's a joke; Anders, a bored socialite who's taken a shine to her; and the fact that no matter how hard she tries to track down Chuck, he doesn't seem to want to be found. Can Olive learn to overcome her fears, abandon her old safe routine and fulfill her best friend's last wish? It's going to take extra bravery, one badass attitude and a whole lot of Big Sexy Love to make this happen ...
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Big Sexy Love | Kirsty Greenwood
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Really liked this. Although I had a sneaking suspicion about the main plot device, it was still funny and heartwarming - and heart breaking.

At start I thought it was as cringe worthy as Bridget Jones, but I stuck it out and it was worth it.

#BFCR2 book no. "I lost count"
@wanderinglynn @CocoReads @Reecaspieces @Moony @imabusybee @laurenslibrary @LibrarianJen @britt_brooke

Reecaspieces Sounds like something I would enjoy! 5y
wanderinglynn 😂😂😂 you lost count & it‘s only the first week! Well that‘s a good sign that your probably ahead of your goal! 😉 5y
imabusybee Great job!👏🏻💜 5y
julesG @wanderinglynn Read a few crafts&art ARCs this week and haven't added them to my log yet. I'll do a tally later when the cat allows me to get up. 😼 5y
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Big Sexy Love | Kirsty Greenwood
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Won't add many more steps.

What a day?!

Got my kids this afternoon, my daughter came home from school with a temperature, my son needed stuff done/bought/organised.

I'm finally putting my feet up. A few more minutes of reading.

#BFCR2 @wanderinglynn @CocoReads @Reecaspieces @Moony @imabusybee @laurenslibrary @LibrarianJen @britt_brooke

wanderinglynn Hope your daughter feels better soon! 💚 5y
CocoReads Hope your daughter feels better. That‘s pretty good steps. Great work! 👏 5y
TheSpineView Still not a bad showing considering. Hope your daughter gets better soon! 5y
See All 9 Comments
britt_brooke Hope your daughter feels better and that you can get some relaxing reading time. 5y
imabusybee Hey Those steps are good!! Hope your daughter gets to feeling better soon 5y
LibrarianJen Oh I hate when kids get sick. Hope she feels better soon. 5y
Megabooks Busy day!! 5y
sudi Hope your daughter feels better 💕💕💕 5y
Reecaspieces Hope they feel better soon 5y
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Big Sexy Love | Kirsty Greenwood
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Bridget Jones levels of cringe worthy. Halfway through this #audiobook --narrator is perfect-- but it's like an accident you can't look away from.

I know I'll be giving this book a pick.

Moony That sounds very funny 😁 5y
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Big Sexy Love | Kirsty Greenwood
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This was a quirky, fun romantic comedy! Quite a few really funny situations or quips.
#pop19 : Book with "Love" in the title

Big Sexy Love | Kirsty Greenwood
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Page two and I'm already laughing!

You can't be a Harry Potter fan if you don't even remember who Buckbeak is 😱😱

MichaelK 😂😂😂 6y
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Big Sexy Love | Kirsty Greenwood
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I‘ve just added this to my kindle. Has anyone else read it? #romance #ChickLit

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