#MarchMadness #LuckInTheTitle
Playing catch up. We‘ll go with Lady Luck in the title & the place where people go hoping to be lucky.🍀💰🥃 🎲
#MarchMadness #LuckInTheTitle
Playing catch up. We‘ll go with Lady Luck in the title & the place where people go hoping to be lucky.🍀💰🥃 🎲
#HeyJune #LadyMadonna
OK, kind of random, but I picked this one for the 'lady' in the title, plus the mother-daughter Route 66 road trip to Vegas in a turquoise '57 T-Bird, looking for the daughter's twin who paints pictures of roadside crosses (crosses make me think of the madonna) & is schizophrenic, & finally, the mother's stories about being a Vegas showgirl-'making ends meet.'
I read in back in 2006 according to Goodreads. 😆