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Pantaleon y las Visitadoras
Pantaleon y las Visitadoras | Mario Vargas Llosa
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Pantaleon Pantoja, un capitan del ejercito recientemente ascendido, recibe la mision de establecer un servicio de prostitucion para las Fuerzas Armadas del Peru en el mas absoluto secreto militar. Estricto cumplidor del deber que le ha sido asignado, Pantaleon se traslada a Iquitos, en plena selva, para llevar a cabo su cometido, pero se entrega a esta mision con tal obcecacion que termina por poner en peligro el engranaje que el mismo ha puesto en movimiento. Asi arranca esta novela, publicada en 1973 y llevada posteriormente al cine. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Pantaleon Pantoja, a recently promoted army captain, is entrusted with a top-secret mission to establish a prostitution service for the Armed Forces of Peru. As a faithful soldier, Pantaleon transfers to Iquitos in the middle of the jungle, to carry out his mission. His enthusiasm, however, endangers the very scheme he has put in motion. Thus begins this classic in Latin American literature, which was published in 1973 and later made into a film."
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This book is one of my Latin American recommendation of today. Mario Vargas Llosa is a Peruvian writer. His origins were as a journalists where he developed a very particular style. He has serious work suck as La fiesta del Chivo which addresses the Trujillo dictatorship. Captain Pantoja is his more humorous pie es about a soldier with a very unique task that he takes very seriously.