What an amazing woman!!
I feel like I have either read this one (I looked and it doesn't look like I have) or just the story is too much on the forefront of my mind. I am gonna #DNF it - maybe I will pick It up later. but this is not the time.
This was an incredible story. I‘ve got a huge interest in cults and I didn‘t know much going into this one. Carolyn‘s stories were shocking, enraging, and at times unbelievable. Her escape is incredible and she sounds like an especially strong woman. Great listen!
I‘m having this fulfill the #foundonlitsy slot as I‘d probably never would‘ve come across it otherwise
#NFNov @Clwojick @rsteve388
Once again, I find myself strangely fascinated with this cult. Carolyn Jessop's account of her life living in the FLDS is one of the better stories I have read so far. The interview at the end of the book is well worth the read as well 👍
Inventory Day.
Got my donut, got my coffee and I'm hoping to finishing listening to this book while I key.
Fingers crossed for a speedy count so I don't have to come in tomorrow!
Wine and popcorn for supper, and reading this. So hard to wrap my brain around the fact that these folks manage to remain so isolated (and brainwashed) in today‘s world.
Intriguing story about Carolyn Jessop‘s escape from polygamy. I‘m always a sucker for cult stories. #giveawayrealtalk
Starting this book. I simply read the cover and knew I had to read this woman's story.
A disturbing story told by one of many wives involved in the Jessop/Jeffs FLDS organization. Fluently written, it avoids the over-simplification found in some survivor's written accounts. I've often found it hard to comprehend how a woman could "allow" herself to be so victimized and controlled; however, after reading this account, I finally understand and have nothing but awe and respect for any woman strong enough to escape. #nonfictionnovember
No books?!?! Well that just sounds like pure hell...aside from all the other jacked up stuff going on there.
I had heard of the raid on the FLDS compound that took place back around 2008. This book gives "back-story" to some of the characters and places mentioned in those accounts. Carolyn was a 6th generation FLDS and was forced into marriage at 18 to a man 32 years older. This book not only tells about her childhood and the years married to him but also the incredibly difficult escape she made. Note: there are a couple instances of profanity.
PART ONE #inspiring #photoadaynov16
Feeding my fascination with this one today.
I feel like there was a riveting story here, but it needed more editing. Many grammatical mistakes, lots of repeated information and a confusing timeline made this hard to follow. Potentially worth the read if you have the time and inclination, but not highly recommended.