This may have been a mistake on my part;) I anticipate many lost hours going down rabbit holes and cross referencing wikis. Oh, no! *wink*wink*
This may have been a mistake on my part;) I anticipate many lost hours going down rabbit holes and cross referencing wikis. Oh, no! *wink*wink*
So, bothering my poor best friend about this is probably going to be my evening tonight. 😅 I have a TBR pile big enough to bury myself in that I really ought to be cutting into instead, but this just came into the library after eons and technically it counts as a book I've never gotten around to reading. I'm genuinely pumped!
Yesterday at the behest of my 17 year-old son ("I like your detailed opinions") I started reading the webcomic Homestuck. Both my teens are kind of obsessed with it.
Pretty sure I'm not its target audience. And it's long... My son figures it will take me at least a month to read it! ? But how could I say no?
Wish me luck Littens! Anyone else familiar with this?
Pretty sure I posted this last year too, but I just bought the book, so it seemed apt.
Was skeptical of getting into the paper-bound Homestuck releases (so much is lost in the jump from the web), but this new Viz publication works in acknowledgement of that issue. Worth checking out for Hussie's annotations alone.