#autumnplease #OrangeStack so tempting to just run around and pull the penguins!😊🐧
#autumnplease #OrangeStack so tempting to just run around and pull the penguins!😊🐧
This week, I give quick updates to all 27 books I‘m currently reading, realize I have a problem, and create a new reading plan to get my current reading under some control. I also finally divulge why I quit Scribd in a huff.
Have you heard that terrifying expression “to kill time”? It‘s time that kills us, but we pretend it‘s the other way around!
A story is a life that didn‘t happen, and a life is a story that didn‘t get told.
You answered me by saying that what was worth dying for was what we wanted to live for.
“[...]That land will remain, and the question isn‘t who will hold it, because it‘s an illusion to think that land can be held. No one can hold land when he‘s going to end up buried in it. It‘s the land that holds men and pulls them back toward it. I didn‘t fight, my dear friend, for the land or for history. I fought for the sake of a woman I loved.”
Love has a thousand doors. But one-sided love isn‘t a door, it‘s a delusion.
2/5⭐ The writing is beautiful and I really like the themes, but I just don't have it in me to read 530 pages of what is almost stream of consciousness.
The novel is deeply moving, it literally left me in tears..
The author speaks of a whole history of Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation through the voice of a narrator who relentlessly seeks to find the truth. He writes about horrendous massacres and unbearable conditions Palestinians had to endure with no where to go after the Israelis occupied their land. Yet amid all the sadness, the author still gives inspiring hope in liberation.
Another door-stopper of a novel that I couldn't stop thinking about so I finally bought it. It's over five-hundred pages long so who knows when I'll get around to reading it but apparently it's THE novel of the Palestinian experience.