The Patrick Melrose novels give new meaning to the descriptor “darkly funny” and I‘m loving it. Just started this second installment, where Patrick travels to NY to collect his sadistic father‘s body.
The Patrick Melrose novels give new meaning to the descriptor “darkly funny” and I‘m loving it. Just started this second installment, where Patrick travels to NY to collect his sadistic father‘s body.
Patrick is now 22 and desperately trying to escape the horrors of his childhood through the hedonistic excesses of drug abuse. Darker and, it has to be said, less laugh aloud funny than the first, mainly because monstrous father David is now reduced to a pile of ashes which Patrick carries around on his drug-fuelled odyssey through the dives of New York. But still brilliantly written.
A brilliant, heart wrenching novel. St Aubyn creates what should be an utterly unsympathetic character - a bitter, self-obsessed, drug obsessed junkie completely at odds with the world, yet the reader can't help but pity him. The prose is biting, black and draws you in. Really looking forward to watching this but at the same time I know it's going to be hard to watch in terms of emotional investment. #patrickmelrose
This book! Holy moly! This second Patrick Melrose novel is fantastic. It takes place in New York where Patrick has gone to collect his father's ashes, and thus begins a drug-fuelled trip through the streets and boroughs of the city. The descriptions of drug use are graphic and intense so this novel may not be for the faint of heart. I have a needle phobia so some parts were tough to read but it was worth it and I ended up loving this book.
#rocktober #comfortablynumb
Im having a bit of a spurt at the end of the oct, prob the odd feeling of all the family being home watching the bake off final together with two daughters boyfriends as eldest popped home from Sheffield at half term. So glass of wine and a course for next two days i recalled the patrick melrose second volume in which he collects his dreadful father's ashes and spends two days in a drug addled stupor. Time to rd bk 4.