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Faery Tale
Faery Tale: One Woman's Search for Enchantment in a Modern World | Signe Pike
16 posts | 7 read | 44 to read
In search of something to believe in once more, Signe Pike left behind a career in Manhattan to undertake a magical journey-literally. In a sweeping tour through Mexico, England, Ireland, Scotland, and beyond, she takes readers to dark glens and abandoned forests, ancient sacred sites, and local pubs, seeking people who might still believe in the elusive beings we call faeries. As Pike attempts to connect with the spirit world-and reconnect with her sense of wonder and purpose-she comes to view both herself and the world around her in a profoundly new light. Captivating, full of heart, and unabashedly whimsical, Faery Tale is more than a memoir-it's the story of rekindling that spark of belief that makes even the most skeptical among us feel like a child again.
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Cheryl Strayed‘s Wild meets Diana Melmuth‘s The Witching Year in this messy but endearingly earnest travel memoir. While grieving her father, writer Signe Pike rambles primarily across England, Ireland, and Scotland, seeking out stories and first-hand accounts of faeries, visiting faery landmarks and sacred places, and reckoning with a devoted but angry father she loved but never understood. Slow and not fully satisfying, but worth the read!

CaliforniaCay This is such a creative picture! 🤩 3w
Ruthiella Great photo! 👍 3w
Hooked_on_books Oooo, good pic! 3w
The_Book_Ninja 📸🤣 3w
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I used to enjoy living in a small city, but having my bike stolen the weekend of my birthday, increasingly rude people on the street, and reading this lovely book about reconnecting with nature is making me seriously consider a move💚

Karkar Sorry about your bicycle. 6y
HeatherBlue @Karkar Thanks 💙 6y
CoffeeCatsBooks Sorry about the bike! 😢 6y
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Just tryna be heard. #listentothewindblow

Friends came over for a Spring equinox celebration last night. We created a Wish Tree, tying scraps of fabric onto its branches while making “prayers” of thanksgiving &/or supplication. If the latter, we left “offerings” in the dirt at its base (keys, coins, pins). We also tied a length of red string around its trunk as a gentle reminder for Mother Nature. “Hey GRL, it‘s supposed to be Spring!”

IamIamIam So fun!!!! Mother Nature must be going through a psychotic break this week... lol, we're expecting a foot of snow! 6y
monalyisha @IamIamIam Us too! I mean, I don‘t want to tell her how to do her job, but... 😅 6y
Cinfhen Love this and the above exchange 👆🏽❤️❤️ 6y
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Craftylikefox Oh I hope she hears you!!! 6y
CocoReads That‘s fantastic. Hope she heeds your advice—it‘s supposed to be spring for crying out loud! (edited) 6y
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Snow may still be on the ground but I‘m thinking Spring. 🌷🌱

Putting together a little ritual for Tuesday‘s equinox, based on an old Celtic practice described in Signe Pike‘s “Faery Tale.”

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Fairies aren‘t my mythical, magical cup of tea (for me, that cup is a cauldron & it‘s stirred by witches). So, I was a little skeptical when my book club chose Pike‘s memoir for our October read. That skepticism remained. I appreciate the overall message(s) gleaned from the text: pay attention to the significance of Place; be present - but I would rather have picked up “The Nature Fix” or re-read David Abrams‘ “The Spell of the Sensuous.”

rubyslippersreads ❤️🐰❤️ 7y
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Tanzy13 🐰 7y
quietlycuriouskate Sweet bunny! 💚 Have you read David Abram's other one? I think I liked it even better than The Spell of the Sensuous. 7y
monalyisha @River_Voice I haven‘t! It‘s been on my TBR for years now. Embarrassing! Now that I‘m reading more non-fic, I‘ll make a point to bump it up! Thanks for the reminder. 🙌🏻 7y
Clare-Dragonfly 🐰😍❤️🐰 7y
JessClark78 🐰❤️ 7y
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Well, now I want to do this (come Spring) to the cherry tree in the center of our backyard patio area. Question: are the scraps of fabric safe for the birds?

Clare-Dragonfly I don't think birds would try to eat ribbon and fabric scraps tied to a tree. 7y
monalyisha @Clare-Dragonfly Good! I worry about negatively impacting the environment unknowingly. 🤷‍♀️ 7y
quietlycuriouskate I have a prayer-tree in my garden. The birds just ignore the fabric ties. I try only to use natural fabrics so they disintegrate over time. 7y
monalyisha @River_Voice What a great tip! I‘ll have to do some research about where to get natural fabric. Thanks so much! Bet your garden‘s beautiful. 💚 7y
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“The more you look inside, and begin to trust what everyone refers to as “intuition,” the more you‘ll become aware of the way places feel.”

Goal: Pay more attention to the way specific places feel. Notice how they feel differently from one another, & the unique character each place possesses: peaceful, energized, golden, dark, green. I want to be more in tune with my surroundings & more consistently present. Sub-goal: put down my phone. 😫

robinb ❤️❤️❤️ Wonderful goal for us all! 7y
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“I began to reexamine fairy tales. I wanted to understand the reality of fairies. I started doing some exploration, reading other people‘s theories...At first I thought, “I don‘t know...all this sounds a bit weird.” He laughed. “And at the same time, a lot of it sounded like common sense. It‘s very typical of faery, actually. In one way it simplified everything for me, & at the same time it suddenly made everything very complicated.”

-Brian Froud

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“Oh, yes, of course. Dark elves. Who hasn‘t heard of them?... I pictured an evil Legolas from “Lord of the Rings”, jumping out from behind the washing machine. It was terrifying.”

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Happy to be home... but man, will I miss this beautiful, birch tree hammock heaven!

Pure, reading bliss. ✌🏻📚📖☀️🍂

diovival That looks lovely. 7y
readordierachel 😍😍 7y
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Vacation chill. ✌🏻🏔🍂

CatLass007 I must have the hammock! A hammock!! 7y
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Fairy Bridge on the Isle of Man. Every single morning on the way to school, my brother and I would say "Hello, faeries!"

Without. Fail.

It's so magical to be back on the Island reading this book and to be reconnecting with the Celtic wildness I felt in my bones as a kid. #IsleOfMan #Homecoming

mcipher I've only seen it in movies, but it looks so beautiful there! 7y
LauraAndTaraAndBooks @mcipher What movies have you seen it in? So rare to see it portrayed anywhere! It really is stunning but I can't believe how much I took it for granted as a child. I must come back sometime to properly explore. It's amazing how much you miss when it's right on your doorstep! 7y
mcipher This is silly - but- a Netflix movie called Mindhorn is one I saw recently. Silly movie, beautiful landscapes. 😂 7y
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#BookMail just in time for my trip to Dad's in the Isle of Man. Thanks to @booksandsympathy for posting about it and inspiring this purchase! I love a good #blameitonlitsy buy 💜💜💜

LeeRHarry One of my best friends lives in the Isle of Man 😊 it's such a lovely place, enjoy! (edited) 7y
LauraAndTaraAndBooks @LeeRHarry omg really?! I grew up there and since I've moved to England it's so rare that I ever meet anyone who's even HEARD of the place! Living down south means that everyone gets it confused with the Isle of Wight! Do you go over often? (edited) 7y
LeeRHarry @LauraAndTaraAndBooks I've been a few times and always had a fab time - my friend lives in Ramsey 😊 7y
LeeRHarry I'm hoping to go next year - as I now live in Australia I'm usually mad busy when I go back to the UK to visit family but I haven't seen my friend since 2014 - so I really want to fit her in next trip 😊 7y
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In an attempt to find magic in this world, the author left behind a job in Manhattan, and went on a journey to Mexico, England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Isle of Man in search of faeries. This is the tale of that #journey #jubilantjuly

LauraAndTaraAndBooks I have to read this! I grew up on the Isle of Man and my dad still lives there. Will be going over to visit him next week so might have to get a copy to take with me. It's so rare to see the island represented in the 'outside' world. Thanks for posting!! 7y
booksandsympathy @LauraAndTaraAndBooks It is rare to find anything about the Isle of Man. I would like to visit it someday, just not during the TT. I'll go when it's less crowded. 7y
LauraAndTaraAndBooks @booksandsympathy Absolutely! The TT is an utter nightmare! But it's a lovely place, quirky and full of character. I wouldn't want to live there now as an adult as it can become a bit claustrophobic, but it's wonderful for a week-long holiday. Lots of history and stunning scenery. I'll post some pics when I'm over there next week! Xxx 7y
booksandsympathy @LauraAndTaraAndBooks I would enjoy seeing pictures. I will say this book definitely made me want to go there. 7y
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I've got lots of blue books. I think maybe this was a third of them. #17rainbowbooks #bluecovers