#currentlyreading a #librarybook about the reincarnation of Kurt Cobain. So far I give it 4 stars; definitely a book I would recommend reading!
#currentlyreading a #librarybook about the reincarnation of Kurt Cobain. So far I give it 4 stars; definitely a book I would recommend reading!
Morning reading: I am both nervous and excited about this. It's getting fantastic reviews, but Cobain is sacred territory for me. Fingers crossed! Or metal hands. Either one. 🤘🏻
I'm not even sure I liked it. There were some beautiful phrases that were worth it. It's been called fan fiction and I am a fan of Cobain so yes. It's druggy, dreamy, and disjointed. Much like our hero.
"When he laughed I could feel the sun lace up its cleats and start ass kicking the clouds."
A tortured teen who loves Kurt Cobain so much she conjures him back to be her boyfriend? Yes please.