A fitting end to the series and a couple that I had been looking forward too. I liked the low key, low drama nature of their romance and could have done without the melodramatic final act. But it‘s still a cut above a lot of its competition.
A fitting end to the series and a couple that I had been looking forward too. I liked the low key, low drama nature of their romance and could have done without the melodramatic final act. But it‘s still a cut above a lot of its competition.
Saturday night book: Only Beloved. I‘m trying not to hold it against it that it‘s a UK edition, but the spelling is American...
"It‘s done. It‘s over. I‘m sad. This was such a beautiful and emotional series. It‘s only fitting that we close it out with George‘s book." Reviewed by Melpomene https://goo.gl/Fq2Ccn
I held off as long as possible. I'm not ready to say goodbye to these characters yet. But here I go.
On BC Ferries to Vancouver reading the last book in the great "Survivors" series by Mary Balogh (regency romance). Nice, gentle story so far.
Thoroughly enjoyable finale to her Survivor's Club series. I loved that the heroine was in her late 30's and the hero in his late 40's. You don't see that enough in historical romance. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Nothing particularly lovely about reading on an iPad, except that it's a little easier to snuggle under blankets and read than with a paper book!