Looks beautiful. Making sure the next person to buy me things knows to get me dis.
Looks beautiful. Making sure the next person to buy me things knows to get me dis.
Super awkward moment when:
1) I read the bio of this artist (Evans) in the new ,
2) recognize the title (Daughters of the Dragon) that is dubbed his “big break” in said bio,
3) search the title to see if I‘ve read it, and
4) discover this review of mine about the art of this title.
5) #ouch #itwasreallythatbadtho #istillshudder #poortitties #stophiringstraightmentodrawwomen2k18
An interesting primer for several Black comic artists and writers. Men to women ratio is uneven (about 3:1 or maybe 4:1) but full of amazing artwork and a couple interesting essays. I read it all at once, which was maybe not the best way to read this. This is made for more dipping in and out, I think.