I‘ve never been a huge fan of Melville‘s work BUT I‘ve never read any of his short stories which are supposed to be excellent. So, here goes. Let‘s see if these change my opinion…
#ReadingOnTheTrain #OutAndAbout
I‘ve never been a huge fan of Melville‘s work BUT I‘ve never read any of his short stories which are supposed to be excellent. So, here goes. Let‘s see if these change my opinion…
#ReadingOnTheTrain #OutAndAbout
#earlyAmericanLit #shortstories#Melville
#coffeeandbooks #satmorningpostbirthdaybash
Celebrated my hubby‘s 65th last night.🎂.Lots of left over cake for the weekend.😁
My son is taking an Early American Lit class to 1880.He has encouraged me to read some of his assigned reading. Some authors such as Melville, are well known. Other authors are more obscure such as Feminist Fanny Fern‘s (Sara Willis) 1854 novel, Ruth Hall. Melville up today.