#20in4 Sunday update. Hanging-out-with-my-Mom break, but I‘m hoping to get a bit more reading in before bed later.
#20in4 update! Finished the first two (was already partway through both), and just barely started the tagged book. It‘s been awhile since I‘ve done a readathon, and I‘d forgotten how fun it can be.
This book looks at the differing definitions of justice, how the Old Testament and New Testament discuss the idea of social justice, and the tangible ways of “doing justice” for the poor and downtrodden in our society today. It is convicting and worth the read, demonstrating a wonderful Biblical calling to be generous in all ways. The liberal/conservative views were a bit overgeneralized and limiting but the overall idea was on point.
I appreciate a well written exploration of justice, and I love how clearly and urgently Keller argues for systemic and personal changes so that we can make the world truly just. It's very convicting, a super good book.