"The most dangerous woman of all is one who refuses to rely on your own sword to save her because she carries her own"
"The most dangerous woman of all is one who refuses to rely on your own sword to save her because she carries her own"
Never would I have imagined Sita to be a warriors princess.. Although this is a fictional piece I am very glad the author chose to show Sita as a warrior princess. No one ever spoke about Sita before she got married to Ram. I am glad to have gotten a new perspective about her
1. Sita Warrior of mithila. Amazing story.
2. Super fast Metabolism rate
3. Pisces
4. Studying.
Are you a independent girl? R u inspired by someone . Some r inspired by Enma, Taylor,Selena, And some bu Sita.
Go through the chilling adventures of sita.
"Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"
Sita to Hanuman while talking about Radhika and Bharat
Exactly my thoughts!!! 'the sages preferred that scriptures were not written down and remained oral so that as times changed, they could change as well'
They were some smartass people :)
India will rise, but not for selfish reasons. It will rise for Dharma... For the Good of all. 🇮🇳💫
- Lady Varahi, the third Vishnu
The irritating part about this book was the repeated conversation from the previous book almost as if the author had nothing to write