This incorporates the vast space of a child‘s imagination and ties in the life of Albert Einstein. I would definitely include this in my future classroom as it relates to my students while inspiring them to go further and stay curious.
This incorporates the vast space of a child‘s imagination and ties in the life of Albert Einstein. I would definitely include this in my future classroom as it relates to my students while inspiring them to go further and stay curious.
“Albert turned ideas in his mind, taking them apart, putting them back together. It was his favorite way to think.“
On a Beam of Light is an enchanting picture book that illuminates the genius of Albert Einstein. Through vivid illustrations and engaging prose, Jennifer Berne takes readers on a journey through Einstein‘s life, exploring how his boundless curiosity and unconventional thinking transformed our understanding of the universe.
This book introduces readers to the life and mind of Albert Einstein, painting him as a curious and imaginative figure who reshaped our understanding of the universe. It conveys complex ideas with simplicity and charm, making it an inspiring read for both children and adults.
“Questions lead to answers, and answers lead to more questions.”
“A journey through the wonder-filled mind of a scientific legend.“
A poetic and beautifully illustrated biography, this book explores Albert Einstein‘s boundless curiosity and imagination, making his genius accessible to young readers.
“Looked and Wondered. Looked and wondered.”
Students will explore how Einstein‘s curiosity and creativity helped him make important discoveries and how they can think like scientists. By the end of the lesson, students will feel inspired to ask questions, explore their interests, and embrace creativity. They can create their own invention just like Einstein.
This book tells the inspiring story of Albert Einstein, from a curious boy to one of the world‘s most celebrated scientists. The book captures his journey of wonder and discovery, showing how his imagination and curiosity led to groundbreaking ideas that changed our understanding of the universe. This book encourages children to embrace curiosity and see the power of imagination.
“Looked and Wondered. Looked and wondered.”
A Story of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne. The book introduces young Albert, whose endless questions about the world led him to become one of history‘s greatest scientists. Students will explore how Einstein‘s curiosity and creativity helped him make important discoveries and how they, too, can think like scientists. Using Vladimir Radunsky‘s playful illustrations, students will discuss how imagination can lead to big ideas.
A Story of Albert Einstein (2013), Jennifer Berne tells the inspiring story of Albert Einstein, from a curious boy to one of the world‘s most celebrated scientists. The book captures his journey of wonder and discovery, illustrating how his imagination and relentless curiosity led to groundbreaking ideas that changed our understanding of the universe. Vladimir's whimsical illustrations bring Einstein‘s dreams to life with imaginative designs.
If you need a book to draw children in to non fiction, this is it
This book tells a sweet depiction of a child who turned into a man who was always a curious genius.
“But Albert did not want to be like the other students. He wanted to discover the hidden mysteries in the world. “
I really enjoyed learning about Albert Einstein and his journey as a child. It helped me better understand how their minds work.
There once was a boy that was riding is bike down the road when he start to think about himself traveling on a beam of light. This boy was nonother than Albert Einstein.
This book would be a good read for younger audiences because it is not full of paragraphs. It is a good morning meeting book or for a read aloud.
This book is about Albert Einstein. Highlights his important times in his life and how they impacted us.
I chose this these quotes because I feel like questioning is a big part of being curious and a genius and that‘s good for children to see that.
I love how this book gives like honest beginnings, because then it gives a children‘s, hope that they can start from anywhere to become a genius.
A book about the start Albert Einstein‘s life and how he was a very peculiar child, and everyone noticed it and how he went onto it be in an amazing inventor.
This is a fabulous biographical picture book of one of our important historical figures. This book uses a perfect style of illustration that is somewhat childlike and mirroring sketches and doodles that Einstein might have made when hammering out his theories in order to depict biographical details from the life of Albert Einstein. The book packs in a deceptively impressive amount of great information.
I ❤ the focus on how much wondering and questioning Einstein did as a child & the importance of 📚 and 🎶 or floating in a ⛵
When I was a kid a biography would focus on dates giving me nothing to relate to except a timeline. Kids don't yet know how equations can delineate the mysteries of the universe, and they don't need to understand genius, but they might relate to someone who doesn't want to wear socks.
And he read about numbers. Albert loved numbers.
A great introduction for talking about historical figures
The purpose of this nonfiction book is to tell the story of Albert Einstien. The book shows the start of his love for numbers and how that shaped his amazing life.
I love the part of the story that capitalized in Einstein‘s father giving him a compass,
opening the door to wonder more about this wold and how it works.
This is a powerful book about Albert Einstein. It shows drive, creation, curiosity and imagination. The illustrations are lovely and unique, including the cover. There is also a good science aspect to reading the book.
“question that you someday may answer...by wondering, thinking, and imagining.”
“But he was their baby, so they loved him... no matter what.“
I would use this book in my classroom because it could spark interest in children and allow them the opportunity to find out what interest them about the universe. This book is a physical representation of what discovering and exploration is all about.
On a Beam of Light written by Jennifer Berne. This book describes Albert Einstein's imagination and hunger for exploration as a child and further shows him as an adult who is a genius, discovering lots of wonders around the universe. This book could show children the possibilities for their own lives for when they get older, and show them that if they dream it, they can do it.
“But he was their baby, so they loved him... no matter what.“
This book was so great! It would be a nice opener for a lesson about Einstein himself or innovation itself. I also really liked the illustrations in this book.
On a Beam of Light by Jennifer Berne is a biography. It was published in 2013. This book tells us all about the life of Albert Einstein. It starts by telling us about his childhood which was quiet. He loved asking questions and learning new things. It then goes on to tell us about his adult life and all of his many achievements like his inventions and findings. It ends with children staring at question marks with an inquisitive look.
“Questions that someday you may answer.... by wondering, thinking, and imagining.“
the illustrations in this book were absolutely amazing! My favorite part.
On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne was amazing! It is about the life of Albert Einstein from beginning to end. Starts off a boy rides a bicycle down a dusty road. But in his mind, he envisions himself traveling at a speed beyond imagining, on “a beam of light“. He grows from a boy endlessly fascinated to ultimately growing into genius. It is about a journey full of curiosity, laughter, and scientific discovery.
#LetsTravelAugust Day 15: Einstein loved to wonder about the nature of things. I like how this book captured the two pivotal moments in his life: when his father gave him a compass that allowed him to wonder even more about the universe, and that moment when he was “zipping through the countryside on his bicycle” around Europe‘s #lakeside and stared at the beams of sunlight reaching the earth. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-8x9
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”