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This Voice in My Heart
This Voice in My Heart: A Runner's Memoir of Genocide, Faith, and Forgiveness | Gary Brozek, Gilbert Tuhabonye
7 posts | 3 read | 12 to read
Gilbert Tuhabonye is a survivor. More than ten years ago, he lay buried under a pile of burning bodies. The centuries–old battle between Hutu and Tutsi tribes had come to Gilbert's school. Fueled by hatred, the Hutus forced more than a hundred Tutsi children and teachers into a small room and used machetes to beat most of them to death. The unfortunate ones who survived the beating were doused with gasoline and set on fire. After hiding under burning bodies for over eight hours, Gilbert heard a voice inside saying, "You will be all right; you will survive." He knows it was God speaking to him. Gilbert was the lone survivor of the genocide, and thanks his enduring faith in God for his survival. Today, having forgiven his enemies and moved forward with his life, he is a world–class athlete, running coach and celebrity in his new hometown of Austin, Texas. The road to this point has been a tough one, but Gilbert uses his survival instincts to spur him on to the goal of qualifying for the 2008 Olympic Summer Games. THIS VOICE IN MY HEART will portray not only the horrific event itself, but will be a catalyst for people to understand real forgiveness and the gift of faith in God.
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This book should be read by everyone. The lone survivor of a massacre in a school. He was continued to be hunted by the Hutus because he was a celebrated runner, but also a Tutsi. It was a hard read, but he carries his physical and emotional scars with such grace that I feel privileged to know his story. #Burundi #ReadingAfrica2022 @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB #Nonfiction2022 #survivor @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

Librarybelle Agreed. I read this one a few years ago. A remarkable read. 3y
Cinfhen Wow!! I‘m definitely going to search this out 💜Thanks for sharing 3y
BarbaraBB Thank you for the recommendation! 3y
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This man‘s story is horrifying and so inspiring, and his way with words makes it a lovely read.

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This memoir is utterly heartbreaking. Tuhabonye was the lone survivor in a horrific attack of genocide, involving #TwoTribes in Africa, the Hutu and the Tutsi. What he witnessed, and what he escaped, no one of any age should witness. It‘s so good he told his story. #RedRoseSeptember

arlenefinnigan Sounds like a horrifying story. 5y
Cinfhen Oh, I totally WANT to read this but I don‘t think my heart can bear it. 5y
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Book 3/7 from #24in48 . What a powerful read, something I would not have read had I not signed up for #PassportLitsy . I visited Burundi, where Gilbert survived a horrific attack. It‘s a memoir of growing up in a country filled with unrest and how one can overcome others‘ hate to live a better life. There were parts hard to read, but it was so absolutely necessary to hear the inside story.

IamIamIam I have a feeling that with this Passport challenge, we're going to have our eyes opened quite a bit!!! 7y
Librarybelle Definitely, @IamIamIam ! 7y
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My cats are telling me I need to take a break. Probably good too to get up and move around a bit. Break time! #24in48

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Finished book two (which I had the first 70 pages read prior to this). Now on to my #PassportLitsy selection. #24in48

Andrew65 Making good progress! 😊 Which country are you visiting? (edited) 7y
Librarybelle @Andrew65 Thanks! I‘ve seen your progress as well...amazing! I‘m traveling vicariously to Burundi this month. 🙂 7y
Andrew65 @Librarybelle Thanks. Remember I‘ve had a few extra hours. It is almost 9 pm here! I need to get my #passportlitsy up and running. Not left the UK yet. 😬 7y
Librarybelle @Andrew65 It‘s still very good, even with the time difference! My hope is to do one #passportlitsy book a month, so I‘m just squeaking in this one for January. 7y
Andrew65 @Librarybelle That was my plan too and although I have my January book from the library but not started it yet. 😳 7y
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I‘ve been working on my #24in48 list for this weekend. The books on the left are ones I definitely want to read. The tagged book I hope to begin prior to the weekend, as it‘s my January pick for #PassportLitsy. The pile on the right are fill in titles, so I may start at least one but do not have a specific title in mind - any from this pile are freebies. And, I have War and Peace and The Name of the Wind to read pieces of too. Getting excited!!

erista The Murder of Roger Ackroyd was my first Christie novel and still one of my favorites. 7y
Librarybelle @erista I am really excited to read it! 🙂 7y
marlenabea What does 24in48 mean? 7y
Librarybelle @marlenabea It stands for 24 in 48 hour readathon. It‘s a readathon that gets you to read 24 hours in a 48 hour period. The readathon organizers have an account on Litsy, @24in48 , with more information and sign up. It‘s international, with prizes available. I just enjoy devoting an entire weekend to reading and seeing what everyone else reads. 🙂 7y
marlenabea @Librarybelle thanks for catching me up. Sounds like a great weekend! I'll have to do it when my baby grows up a bit. :) 7y
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