First, why is my 9 year old looking so grown?? 😭 Second, he finished this graphic novel adaptation before school today and LOVED it! He‘s hasn‘t read the original books yet, but I love this GN gateway for middle grade readers.
First, why is my 9 year old looking so grown?? 😭 Second, he finished this graphic novel adaptation before school today and LOVED it! He‘s hasn‘t read the original books yet, but I love this GN gateway for middle grade readers.
I love Oubrerie‘s art (he did Marguerite Abouet‘s Aya series) & wasn‘t disappointed; the world of Lyra Belacqua really comes to life in this #graphicnovel adaptation. The story is so abridged, however, that it left me feeling somewhat cheated & wanting the complexity of Pullman‘s original. Therefore, it could be an introduction for young readers who might then choose to pick up the original. Or, for those who already know the story, a refresher.
I continue to collect references to trepanation. See more on my blog: https://lindypratch.blogspot.com/2017/10/a-year-of-literary-trepanations.html?
Hmm, this was only okay. It didn‘t quite capture the characters and the feel of the original book for me and I wasn‘t a huge fan of the art.
#throwback to John Milton‘s Paradise Lost in the Northern Lights graphic novel, inspiration for the trilogy and where it‘s title ‘His Dark Materials‘ came from.
#speechbubblechallenge #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon @Clwojick @TricksyTails
2018 is going to be big on Philip Pullman for me. I‘ve still got The Book of Dust to read and got Daemon Voices and the audiobooks of His Dark Materials for Christmas.
I also picked up this from the library, along with the other volumes and can‘t wait to get started!
Also, another good contender for the Death Stare prompt! #SpeechBubbleChallenge 😱💀#LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon
I've quite liked this story so far, and I'm excited to read on to volume 2. I've never read the original, nor have I seen the movie but I'm finding the main character Lyra to be a humorous one to follow. Volume 2 should bring more adventures ❤️️
Also I'm freaking out a tad because I have a friend named Lyra (pronounced Lie-rah) and I've never seen her name anywhere else before. ❤️️❤️️I'm going to tell her to read this tomorrow!
Pullman‘s ‘His Dark Materials‘ trilogy has long been a favourite of mine so I quite eagerly anticipated getting my hands on the graphic novel... but, much like the film, I felt it fell flat of it‘s potential. It‘s not that it is a ‘bad‘ graphic novel - just that it pales it comparison. The richness and beauty of the prose has been stripped away in favour of simplicity in language and art.
Makes me want to read the books again. Maybe eventually..
It's so nice to be back in this world with Lyra & Pan. #readathon
Moving on to a graphic novel. I love the original version of this story, so I'm looking forward to experiencing it in this format. #readathon