Doesn‘t add too much
Book number 20 of my year and I‘m about 60 pages in already and I absolutely love this. They are the three novellas that the author wrote to be read after you read the series or after you read each book 1-4 I am currently waiting for book 4 in the mail so I decided to read this now.
Rainy days were made for curling up under a blanket with a cup of coffee & a good book.
"I flick my turn signal on out of dumb habit, and because the end of the world's no excuse for bad driving manners." ?
Bracken is great at the novella. I really enjoyed the stories, the themes, and the characters. There were even parts I might have enjoyed as much as or more than the original trilogy. Really glad I read this.
I realize, with sudden clarity, that if it were any one of them, any of the girls in my cabin, I would have done something immediately, said anything to have made it stop. I need to do the same for myself.
I do not know what, in the end, makes a person who they are. If we‘re all born one way, or if we only arrive there after a series of choices.
"She knows exactly what's going to happen to her, and she doesn't care. She is a fighter against the ropes, ready to go down swinging."
Thank you for being a fighter, Sam.
My current read! I just can't tear myself away from these kids.
This is a collection of short stories, one centering around Zu after she got picked up, one more about Sam and a new character. These give a fair picture of what things are like at the beginning of rebuilding the states. I was intrigued, especially by the info on the reds.
A part of me wonders if it‘s not what she went through that has shaped her into something so solid and strong, but the people who went through it with her.
He spoke in parables and proverbs, and when he realized what I was, he barely spoke at all. Some part of me still thinks he would have loved me more if I‘d died, because it‘d mean I was saved.