"Heffernan is a gleeful trickster, a semiotics fan with an unabashed sweet tooth for pop culture...MAGIC BRINGS JOY [in this] enjoyable snapshot."— The New York Times
"Heffernan is a gleeful trickster, a semiotics fan with an unabashed sweet tooth for pop culture...MAGIC BRINGS JOY [in this] enjoyable snapshot."— The New York Times
When you try and wonder how this got on your TBR pile. At some point I noted, "I'd like to read that." So here we are reading it. I am nothing if not loyal to my TBR stack - even when I can't remember how it got there ?Meanwhile Bitsy is worn out from a 4 mile walk because I kept listening to audiobooks. She's probably dreaming about when she was back at the shelter and didn't have an annoying lady always saying, "just one more mile..."
This book was not a good fit for me! Heffernan was very journalist-y, and I wanted and was expecting something more academic-y. Also I get that you're quoting someone else who is talking about how poor people love their phones, but the digital divide is a real thing and maybe you could address it? Instead of talking about how it made you feel sad to think you might have something in common with poor folks?
Is the only reason that more women are playing games because of the "explosion of mobile games that have drawn in the crossword and Sudoku crowd"? That's pretty reductionist, and implies that the majority of women gamers are Johnny come lately casual gamers. I would disagree - lots of female gamers I know play FPS, or adventure games. I think the Wii and 3DS, with their low price and glut of games, did way more. ?
I noticed the advanced reading copy pop up on my Twitter feed! It looks excellent! It's next up on my TBR list!
Reading about how the Internet works and thought I should document it on the Internet. This is how meta works, right?