V: And your occupation?
R: It is not the business of a gentleman to have occupations.
V: And your occupation?
R: It is not the business of a gentleman to have occupations.
"Robin is ideal because he was always being... rescued by Holy Rusted Metal Batman, Holy Buttfuck, Don't untie me yet, we have a few minutes..."
My favorite kids' book, my new favorite sweatshirt
How can you not know your history? I yelled over and over... how can you allow the world to forget us... the grand elision of queer history?
I'm troubled by this assertion that social elites constituted Berlin's homosexual community, implying that the male prostitutes blackmailing them were something other. We are missing the analysis of why homosexual youth were sex workers and extortionists to begin with.
God Made Me Gay, Books Made Me Queer: How JR Ackerley, Justin Spring, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Kate Bornstein, and so many others helped me find my Pride.
Look, Marky Mark. I'm not saying I'm in it for all twenty-whatever volumes you're proposing here, but I'll give this one a whirl.
I was told to read this before I went to Berlin this spring, but I didn't. And then I couldn't find it in Berlin stores, at least in English anyway. Now I have it and I mean to read it, because I read queer things in June, because Pride, ironically, gives me anxiety.
Lovecraft's outsider says, "I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage," but he, and Lovecraft, were fucking fools. That's the problem with literature, you have to be alive in order to write it.
I'm counting Here on my list of books read in 2016, even though it's mostly pictures. It is gorgeous. (I am the woman cleaning.)
Reading about how the Internet works and thought I should document it on the Internet. This is how meta works, right?
So few books I read capture a dynamic sense of hope; this one does just that in a delectable picaresque style and with a light touch of humor.
The book of my dreams when my dreams are nightmares.
I can't stop looking at Victor Ehikhamenor's cover art. And the poems inside are pretty arresting too!
But when I see that the words I am asked to translate are blatant lies then it is my job to do something.... In those situations, I misinterpret.