Down and out with Covid. Reading is not in the horizon. Just get it over with! 🤒😷😩😩
I love the Bohrasisters art on insta and Pinterest. Thought I‘d share a bookish one here. They‘re originally animated. 💚
Down and out with Covid. Reading is not in the horizon. Just get it over with! 🤒😷😩😩
I love the Bohrasisters art on insta and Pinterest. Thought I‘d share a bookish one here. They‘re originally animated. 💚
Tagging to log the Sickest Bastards read
May not look like it but I‘m sick. Waiting for a prescription at the store. I got strep throat a number of years ago and it seems to come back almost every winter now. So not liking this. After I get my Rx, I‘m going home, get on the couch and finish Chamber of Secrets. I don‘t sound too good.
Haven't checked in lately as I've been sick. Good news is I had lots of reading time. But nothing review worthy, just clearing my stack of junk fiction. Except for this last book. Re-reading Salem's lot. 😱👻👺😸
I'm #sickAF today, and ignoring life as a whole by way of #audioknitting. Here's me helping Papa clean fish when I was 2 or so. Miss you, Papa. ❤️
I got sent home sick from my rotation this afternoon and now I‘m snuggling with this floof. I don‘t know if I can handle using my eyes to read. Maybe an audiobook to put me to sleep? 😷🤧 #dontletpatients #coughinyoureye #jobhazard