So many twists and the stalker was pretty creepy!
#pop24 - book that starts with the letter X
So many twists and the stalker was pretty creepy!
#pop24 - book that starts with the letter X
Read this many years ago but can‘t remember much. Blurb says ‘.. A beautiful young star is stalked by an obsessive fan who thinks her big hit song was written just for him.‘
#anglophileapril #everybreathyoutake
I think this is the 3rd in a series that revolves around an agent in the California Bureau of Investigation who is an expert in reading people‘s gestures, expressions, etc - it‘s called ‘kinesics‘. I‘ve not read the first two and am not sure I will, but this was twisty and kept me interested. Also, it‘s my last book for this year‘s #LitsyAtoZ #LetterX!
I only read this because I needed a book for the letter X for#litsyatoz. I really didn't like it at all, but I'll be generous and give it a so-so. I felt like I was being bludgeoned by examples of the investigators' deductive reasoning skills and I found the kinesics angle annoying. In spite of their supposedly great skills, the investigators managed to basically get everything wrong and do very stupid things along the way.
Listened to this one for the #LitsyAtoZ challenge. I may need to try more from this series -AFTER the challenge is over!!
Got this from the library sales shelf for $1 for my #litsyatoz challenge. #titlesstartingwithxyz #seasonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading
A few good finds at the charity shop today. #JefferyDeaver #MichaelConnelly #KarinSlaughter #bargainbooks #charityshop #charityshopping #Bosch #onepersonstrashisanotherpersonstreasure