Hey @gradcat Meet my grandchildren:
Finn Michael - age 6
Magnolia Pearl - age 2-1/2
Julian John - age 7 months
Hey @gradcat Meet my grandchildren:
Finn Michael - age 6
Magnolia Pearl - age 2-1/2
Julian John - age 7 months
🍁Fiction, Thrillers and non fiction. I seriously can not choose just one!
🍁Hands down stinky ass brussel sprouts...totally gross.
🍁She would be 118 and he would be 120.
🍁My grandmother was born in Hamburg, Germany and my grandfather in Christchurch, New Zealand.
1. History and mystery.
2. Celery. 🤢🤢
3. Blessed by longevity. Bottom right - 5 generations from me to my great-great gma born in 1893! Bottom middle - 5 gen 28 years later (starting w/ my daughter). Top pic - my daughter w/ me and my husband, her 4 grandparents, and her 4 great-grandparents (on my side). 3 of my grandparents are living - 84, 82, and 82.
4. 2 in Michigan, 1 in PA, 1 in CA.
5. I don‘t have rhythm. But 💃🏼. #friyayintro
1. Hard to choose, but I guess I‘d say contemporary fiction
2. I can‘t stand onions
3. My grandma on my dad‘s side is 90
4. She was born in a small town in Wisconsin
5. Cha cha cha 👩🏻🎤
1. Thrillers
2. yams/sweet potatoes. GAG
3. 152, 134, 131, 127. (I knew the oldest pictured here and the youngest who lived to be age 106)
4. all 4 born in Robertson County, Tennessee. AND so were all 8 of their parents.
5. 👣👣
#friyayintro @howjessreads
1) Fantasy? Romance? Thriller? Can't decide.
2) - -
3) maternal: GM 83, GF 84 paternal: GM 80, GF 90(??)
4) Thuringia, East Prussia/now Poland, Thuringia, no one alive to tell me/we don't know who fathered my father
5) 💃💃💃
I had no reading time over the weekend, as we had @Ambrosnazzy ‘s son with us. His favorite thing to do on this visit was helping me in the kitchen, and for the first time in a long time, I didn‘t have to go through countless readings of The Very Hungry Caterpillar 😄
Guess who‘s here!!!!!! I‘m such a happy nanna at the moment. Aren‘t they adorable😍 They‘ve grown so much #grandchildrenareawesome