If man had no memory, he would live like an angel in this world
I must confess to not really knowing much about Bulgarian history and how it fit in to the momentous events that were happening in the time frame of this book, approximately the 20th century, although most of it through the lens of a couple of characters‘ memories during a boondoggle wolf hunt. If you only get around to a single example of Bulgarian literature in this lifetime, you would not be going wrong with this one. See review on LibraryThing
Still pondering this one as I set it on the top of my #ArchipelagoBooks "Have Read" pile. Fantastic. And the stack will continue to grow now that I succumbed to their subscription... #ReadWide #ReadAllLanguages
Ponder this with your latte: "Is it possible to achieve a humane end through inhumane means?” #ReadWide #ReadAllLanguages #ReadAllCultures
OK, I'm going in. It's a big book, as thick as my teacup is tall.
I can't say enough about #archipelagobooks for helping me break out of reading the white english-speaking cis-male canon. Just succumbed to their subscription to get the next 12 books they publish. Very excited. Next up on my TBR list, Wolf Hunt. My first ever read from the Bulgarian.