For those of you who celebrate this season, Have a wonderful Christmas Eve!🥰🎄💚❤️💚
If you don‘t celebrate it, have a happy reading time! 📚 🤗
For those of you who celebrate this season, Have a wonderful Christmas Eve!🥰🎄💚❤️💚
If you don‘t celebrate it, have a happy reading time! 📚 🤗
It has been a busy, energy-zapping last few days (as I‘m sure it‘s been for many) but it has also been full of joy and close family. Last night we had the most perfect Christmas Eve weather (for our hemisphere, at least). Big, beautiful snow flakes were falling as we left Christmas Eve service. We took the long way home to look at house decorations and pulled into the driveway to this sight. My heart felt too big for my chest!
This was a fun reimagining of “The Night Before Christmas” and highlights many Christmas traditions. The illustrations are bright and engaging, and Spanish words are mixed in throughout the story.
A glossary provides definitions for the English readers.
‘TWAS NOCHEBUENA is an adorable retelling of The Night Before Christmas. The cute little narrator starts, “‘Twas Nochebuena and all through our casa, every creature was kneading tamale masa.”
The story goes through many Latino Christmas traditions from posadas to piñatas to Misa del Gallo. I was familiar w/ most of the words from life in AZ, but I learned a few new ones, and Juliet can now say Feliz Navidad & buñuelos!* #quirkychristmaspicks