Finished up this #lmpbc pick of @bookandcat and will have it sent off to @TsundokuAleax tomorrow. I really enjoyed this book, the humor was right up my alley! I really want to read more of Tom Holt‘s work now.
Finished up this #lmpbc pick of @bookandcat and will have it sent off to @TsundokuAleax tomorrow. I really enjoyed this book, the humor was right up my alley! I really want to read more of Tom Holt‘s work now.
Finally getting around to this #lmpbc pick. I‘m way behind on getting this read!
My first Holt book; it's been on my TBR for over a decade. Holt's Valhalla is comedic and the concept is hilarious (the afterlife is boring - people watch paint dry - and then Carol Kortright arrives) but didn't have as much plot or as nice an execution of the ideas as I wanted. Some funny parts though. Felt like some various Monty Python sketches strung together. 3 stars. #lmpbc @TsundokuAleax @Schlinkles
@TsundokuAleax @Schlinkles any of these look interesting to you for next round of #lmpbc? Here are some I pulled on first pass. Mix of funny, serious, short, longer, YA, nonfiction, historical fiction, etc. I don't know what I want to read in the new year lol😂