This is the strangest, most pun-filled book I've ever read 😂 Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who's celebrating today!
This is the strangest, most pun-filled book I've ever read 😂 Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who's celebrating today!
Miss Piggy might as well be isolated in #thecabininthewoods than under the Opera House, in this #incredible tale with a #fuschiacover. (And there‘s probably #mold from all that water.)
#WordsOfOctober #FallFinds #QuotsyOct20 #HorrorSeason #multitasking
Not really my favorite book, I prefer less dry books myself.
Thanks to @rubyslippersreads this gem was on my TBR, and how fitting for #booked2018 's "unconventional romance"!
The love triangle: a frog, a pig, and a mysterious furry blue monster.
Between a pick & so-so (it got a bit wearing after while) but it sure was creative! Prior familiarity with the muppets a must. Full of non sequitur one liners and gags. It was slow going because I had to stop and picture each line said by the respective muppet ?
Too many pig jokes that felt like fat jokes. Miss Piggy is better than that. Otherwise I think at times I liked this more than the original. At least this one knew it was ridiculous.
Unable to control himself, Kermit blurted, "I don't even know if you're telling the truth! What a patsy I must be to let you mock me like this! I didn't know that women were so eager to make fools of us men."
"Uh, I hate to break it to ya, but most of you are actually DIY types."
Morning spent reading these two side by side alternating after each chapter.
The Phantom tells Christine lots of #littlelies, plays more than one #trick, and wants to turn the Paris Opera House into a #bloodbath. If I were Miss Piggy, I'd certainly choose Gerard Butler over Kermit. 😄🐸❤️ #loveneverdies #favouritehalloweenreads #rocktober #hallowreads #melodiousmusicals #uncannyoctober #octoberlibrary17 #multitasking