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A Woman in the Crossfire
A Woman in the Crossfire: Diaries of the Syrian Revolution | Samar Yazbek
10 posts | 6 read | 42 to read
A well-known novelist and journalist from the coastal city of Jableh, Samar Yazbek witnessed the beginning four months of the uprising first-hand and actively participated in a variety of public actions and budding social movements. Throughout this period she kept a diary of personal reflections on, and observations of, this historic time. Because of the outspoken views she published in print and online, Yazbek quickly attracted the attention and fury of the regime, vicious rumours started to spread about her disloyalty to the homeland and the Alawite community to which she belongs. The lyrical narrative describes her struggle to protect herself and her young daughter, even as her activism propels her into a horrifying labyrinth of insecurity after she is forced into living on the run and detained multiple times, excluded from the Alawite community and renounced by her family, her hometown and even her childhood friends. With rare empathy and journalistic prowess Samar Yazbek compiled oral testimonies from ordinary Syrians all over the country. Filled with snapshots of exhilarating hope and horrifying atrocities, she offers us a wholly unique perspective on the Syrian uprising. Hers is a modest yet powerful testament to the strength and commitment of countless unnamed Syrians who have united to fight for their freedom. These diaries will inspire all those who read them, and challenge the world to look anew at the trials and tribulations of the Syrian uprising.
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This book is a very tough read. It is a soul-scorching look at individual experiences at the beginning of the Syrian revolution in 2011. I challenge anyone to read this and feel we shouldn‘t show compassion to Syrian refugees. Best read interspersed with something much lighter. #syria #readaroundtheworld

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#nonfiction Collection of horrifying testimonies for posterity about demonstrations in Syria.

#QuotsyNov17 #death

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#nonfiction book about the beginnings of the anti-regime movement in Syrian cities in 2011. The book is built in the form of a personal author‘s logs intertwined with the testimonies of the demonstrators. It‘s story about the bravery of individuals, corruption, dignity, sectarian misunderstandings provoke by government, horrors of the power ... Eyes opening book, which is more frightening than any fiction book. #Syria #readaroundtheworld

rockpools Thank you for the link! I've bookmarked it to watch for tomorrow. 7y
BarbaraBB I really want to read this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. 7y
Simona @RachelO You‘re welcome 😘 7y
Simona @BarbaraBB It‘s horrifying, but important book for understanding war in Syria. 7y
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I‘m reading the tagged book for #readaroundtheworld #syria and it‘s good but tough (it‘s a combo of the writers thoughts and what was happening at the start of the Syrian revolution), so I‘m dipping into the Percy as a mood elevator. I‘m really hoping my #halloweengoespostal box will show up today, but honestly, I don‘t have much hope. Fingers crossed. 🤞🏼

Simona 🤞🤞🤞 7y
rockpools You absolutely need a lighter book alongside the Syria one! Hope your parcel arrives soon. 7y
Currey I agree, after reading Women in the Crossfire I needed something life affirming but I ended up reading Sputnik Sweetheart...well the writing is life affirming even if the story is not. Hang in there @Hooked_on_books 7y
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#readaroundtheworld #syria The diary pages of a Syrian journalist drops the reader into the chaotic 1st four months of the Syrian uprising without context. I am glad I had read The Morning they Came for Us first to get more of that context. The author's personal experiences and the transcriptions of demonstrators that were tortured or witnessed murders as they attempted to peacefully overthrow the regime are simply chilling.

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Not exactly the best type of book to read while trying to help the Kindergartener with homework while 3yo is at swim class. But in the light of what's been happening, I think it's even more important to read this and post about it.

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Dinner tonight is baked pasta with cauliflower, mini peppers, bacon and sausage. My current read is a rather depressing book so it's weird to use the #allisnotlost hashtag!

Chachic #bookanddinner shots are fun to see! 👍👍 8y
ephemeralwaltz Yummy!! 8y
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With two kids in the house, chicken nuggets are a necessity. And today, with a case of the Mondays, it was my lunch too. Although I adulted mine up with romaine lettuce, whole wheat toast and Jasmine tea.
Don't worry, I feed them actual food at dinner!

saresmoore Ha! I do kid lunches and real dinners, too. Parenting is hard enough without food guilt! 8y
Mommamanzi Haha mine will only eat the Dino shaped ones. We actually had them for lunch too. We had a avocado and apple with it. 8y
KCorter Same here. Pasta and chicken nuggets are my lifesavers. 8y
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LauraBeth PB&Js, Mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese and frozen waffles... 😀 8y
BibliophileMomma This is my life too. 😃 8y
Born.A.Reader Whew! I thought it was just my house that lived off these things! 8y
RealLifeReading @saresmoore absolutely!! 🙌🙌 8y
RealLifeReading @Mommamanzi haha the kids had the Dino ones and I finished what remained of the regular nuggets! 8y
RealLifeReading @KCorter yessss!! Pasta definitely. Although the funny boy who is my 3yo has asked for ramen and dumplings three nights in a row now 8y
RealLifeReading @LauraBeth yes to all except PBJ as my 5yo has a nut allergy! Their recent fave is a box of mini sausage rolls from Costco. 8y
RealLifeReading @Tiffness83 @Born.A.Reader hugs to my fellow chicken nugget families! 😀 8y
tpixie @RealLifeReading Sunbutter and J !! 8y
Khyaiin I was planning on serving chicken nuggets to my two year old tonight at dinner and considering it real food. ☺ 8y
RealLifeReading @tpixie sadly my kids don't like sunbutter! 8y
RealLifeReading @Khyaiin hee don't worry I won't tell! 8y
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I've been slowly making my way through this book. It's not an easy read - but the courage and the determination of Samar Yazbek in chronicling this revolution is inspiring. It's a record of her struggle to uncover the truth, to fight for what's right, despite the pain and suffering that could result. And we could all learn from that. #diverseathon

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Today's #bookandtea is A Woman in the Crossfire: Diaries of the Syrian Revolution. Paired with a tea sent by a Japanese friend. Google Translate says it's a Dattan Soba tea and it has this fascinating scent, like roasted nuts. Also, a slice of homemade lemon yoghurt bundt cake.

TrishB Great pic 💖 8y
Mommamanzi This looks perfect! 8y
ReadingEnvy Ooh this book will fit nicely into my reading goals. 8y
Ericmanciniwriter Sounds great - adding it to my teetering stack 8y
Chachic I love #bookandtea shots! That tea sounds good. Japanese teas usually are.👍🍵 8y
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