I think this is part of a series and I missed something, or it doesn't explain the premise well. I was a little confused by the world and what was happening but overall I enjoyed it.
I think this is part of a series and I missed something, or it doesn't explain the premise well. I was a little confused by the world and what was happening but overall I enjoyed it.
Lying to Captain Marvel is never a good idea. She's rolling deep with her awesome Carol Corps all female fighting force. She's taking responsibility for her actions...blowing up an "ultron" ship. You go girl! Get to the bottom of this! lol
I had no context to understand the story. I don't feel like reading about a plotline (the whole thing that is resetting the Marvel universe or something like that). But I liked the characters. I wish I knew the context of it all and it ends with an open situation where I don't have any idea where it's all going.
Love these "call sign" names. Love captain marvel! I wonder what my name would be? Maybe "icegirl" or "blondie" or "cherry bomb" LOL I could go on all day. What about your name????
Carol whooped some serious ass with her crew in this one. Hell of a cliffhanger tho 😱😱😱