A really good follow up to the first volume, with plenty of story and room for the story to grow.
This was the last of the books that I had loaned from my friend... weird to see them leave after so long 😅😬📚
A really good follow up to the first volume, with plenty of story and room for the story to grow.
This was the last of the books that I had loaned from my friend... weird to see them leave after so long 😅😬📚
When things just get worse and worse. Don‘t you wanna just go ape? There was a lot going on in this volume (especially for it only being vol2). time flies when you‘re stuck in hell. Everything flowed mighty well, though the end seemed a bit rushed. Did not see that final page plot twist
Hell... I do love you. (Few pages later) Hell; You lied to me. No, I didn‘t. I do love you. Hell... I love, everyone.
Well I‘ll be darned. Another hidden secret held from Diana. The Amazon‘s baby boys are traded to Hephaestus for weapons, so that way there‘s only girls on Themsyteria. Interesting.
Wonder Woman continues to protect Zola, the mortal woman impregnated by Zeus. But will she go as far as to marry Hades? Loved meeting some new Greek gods, including Artemis and Hephaestus. I love that WW exists in her own sphere in this series apart from the Justice League. The art continues to be terrific.
If it's possible, I've just remembered that I had some unread comics on my bookshelf 😱I know, but I was getting all embroiled in the world of The Bear and the Nightingale. These things happen! So I've pulled this out. Anything that has a bit of Greek Mythology is on to a winner for me!
This is totally me, not the comic, and probably a very #unpopularopinion, but I was so bored with this entire storyline. Not a huge fan of the artwork either, so I will not be reading more.
I read Wonder Woman vol 1! It was so good! I was about start vol 2!! There are 6 vol in total!!
Today's sick bed goals: read both of these. While I've been enjoying laying around and reading, I'm ready to feel better. My husband went back to work today so it's a bit lonely. Maybe I'll be better about napping since he is gone.
Some more good twists on the Amazonian lore, and a bunch of unexpected surprises from the denizens of Olympia.
My son and I are loving this series. Epic mythological fantasy (and it is much more a fantasy story than a superhero story). This run needs a whole line of toys based around the characters.
The only books in this house I have borrowed are these Wonder Woman comics. I really should read them and give them back! #booktober