Never be ashamed of what you like to read.
Never be ashamed of what you like to read.
Forever in love with how the Book Market people decided to divide the alphabet. Fiction AF indeed.
I was WAY less keen on all the big-ass carts I saw today. I‘m just gonna say it, y‘all: it‘s rude to bring a wagon to a book sale. You‘re blocking everyone else‘s access to the goods. If you‘re gonna buy more than you can carry, get one of those rolly carts with the same footprint as a shopping basket &/or make dump trips out to your car. PLEASE.
So about another month to write about 30000 words in order to turn this in to the contest I entered. My sister said 1000 words a day-you can do it! Last nights goal was easy least. Tonight is a bit of a struggle. I know how I want it to end, so I went ahead and wrote that. And then, overwrote it-so I may need to take some out. Leaving it in for the moment though. 📝📚🤔
Secondary reading for my thesis. It turns out bingewatching 'Friends' was relevant to my studies