#johndonne 🍂🍃
Our storm is past, and that storm‘s tyrannous rage,
A stupid calm, but nothing it, doth ‘suage.
The fable is inverted, and far more
A block afflicts, now, than a stork before.
Storms chafe, and soon wear out themselves, or us;
In calms, Heaven laughs to see us languish thus.
#calm #poetrymatters @TheSpineView
Recently I've been reading Donne. I don't generally go for poetry but a friend of mine once suggested me for Donne, that I would like it.
I really found the collection quite interesting. It's the poet's strange yet fascinating use metaphysical conceits and his subtle sense of presentation of the temperament of the age fused with his personal issues.
It establishes the relationship between the personal and the universal.
Enjoyed it thoroughly.
I first read John Donne in a 17th-century British lit class in college and really enjoyed his work. I mean, who wouldn't be charmed by a metaphysical erotic poem used as an elaborate pick-up line, with the flea as a symbol of #love and lust? 😂
#PoetryMatters @LazyDays
...”one short sleep past we wake eternally, and Death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.” #death #quotsynov17